Friday, 30 January 2009

Photographic Frustration

I am getting sooooo frustrated with my inability to take good photographs of my jewellery... The light in my flat is really bad, especially this this time of year with no good sunlight, & I still haven't gotten my mitts on a digital camera so am using my mobile phone!
I am going to have to pick up a camera very very soon... it makes such a world of a difference when you can get good, clear, close-up shots of your jewellery... I think its pretty essential in order to sell online.
Well now i'd better put aside every spare penny....


Alexandra said...

Hi, love the necklace, im having trouble taking photos at the moment too, hope you had a good weekend x

Poppy said...

It is so hard to take pictures of jewellery, and the light is no good at the moment, yours look fine too me though!
I hope you are keeping well…love Lou xxx

Charis Sharpe said...

Thanks guys!