Saturday, 25 October 2008

Credit crunch...

Hello again just a little line to tell you about a brilliant little website which is a bit of a godsend for all us English credit crunchees... its & its set up to buy & sell 2nd hand books. The books are rated from 'perfect' to 'good' so you can buy peoples xmas pressies there or (like me!) you can sell books on there. Handy!

I'm working a lot of hours in my Day Job this weekend so once i've finished my Wispa bar i'm off to work but i did receive some felt beads today from so i'm looking forward to some more beading creativeness... making a twist on my limoncello earrings?
Clocks go back tonight... one extra hours sleep!!!!!

1 comment:

Banana-head Pancake said...

what a neat website - I love buying books, I just can't get into the library for some reason. It's like if I didn't buy it, I won't read it. So second hand is perfect!