Saturday, 22 November 2008

Bright Sunny Day

What a lovely day today! Its bright & sunny, my dad is here, my felting kit arrived in the post... I can attempt to make felt shapes myself now!!!!
Above are some pics of 1. Drew Barrymore modelling my latest creation, Bumble Bee Necklace, 2. Me modelling my necklace: 45 beads in black & yellow with pink swirls... I am in love with it! & 3. My new Felting Kit! Thats one thing off my wish list!
Also this morning I finally checked out Martha Stewart's website... crafting Heaven... so many things on there that I can't wait to try!
Right i'm wrapping up warm now & venturing out to the charity shops to find beads...


Banana-head Pancake said...

I love that necklace - it looks really cute on you!

Charis Sharpe said...

Thank you!