Saturday, 1 November 2008

Creative Frenzy

This evening has been a bit of a mad creative frenzy really... I managed to get five necklaces done!
Pictured above are 4 of them...
1. Tigers Eye Necklace - A tigers eye threaded with felt beads, crochet beads & wooden beads. A personal favourite!
2. Limoncello - I made the necklace tonight to go with the earrings I'd already made to sell as a set in my shop.
3.Peppermint Passion - One violet felt bead surrounded by various beads all in peppermint shades. Cute!
4. Angel Necklace - an angel pendant with lovely big green beads.
I am now completely exhausted having been at work today & only getting 5 hours sleep!
I'm off to bed... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


'fancypicnic' said...

love the angel pendant - gorgeous colours!!

Charis Sharpe said...

Thank you! All the work i'm doing at the moment appears to be green or purple...