Friday, 14 November 2008

Last Few Days...

Just a little catch up for you...
1. Downham Market train station in Norfolk. I spent 40 cold minutes here in the rain on Monday!
2. Esmerelda modelling some of my necklaces.
3. The Key of Life, one of my latest creations (on sale now in themonstermaker.etsy).
4. Me wearing my Black&White necklace.
Had dinner last night at the new Jamies Italian restaurant in Kingston, London, it was delicious! I had squid follwed my Sirloin steak & it was a very very enjoyable evening!


Banana-head Pancake said...

I love how you named your mannequin!

Charis Sharpe said...

Gotta be on first-name terms with the staff!

Anonymous said...

The necklace looks fab & I love the sound of the squid & sirloin steak - yum!