Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Awake since 5.30am

I'm really feeling pretty ill so more pictures today....
1. Me with my new scarf
2. My newly tidy room
3. My mini Xmas tree
4. Me last night in my bday outfit.. my jeans are violet but you can't tell in the pic. I have cute red heart buttons on my cardi that I sewed on before we went out!


Alexandra said...

Hi Caz, hope you are feeling better and that you had a great birthday! xx

Poppy said...

You look lovely!

Love Lou xxx

hens teeth said...

Hope you are feeling a little better now and that you had a good evening out despite!
We are both birthday girls this week, who hoo!
Thank you for all the great comments you leave, very much appreciated x

Banana-head Pancake said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I hope it was super fun!