Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Glorious Day!!!

Its a beautiful day out there today! Blue skies & sunshine... packages in the post this morning... the only downside is the knowledge that I have to go to work later...
2. Cute card from a miss-frugality giveaway...
3. Seeded SunStone Necklace that I made last night
4. Sun Burst necklace that i made last night - sunstone, red jasper & carnelian, I love this one
5. Amethyst Rainbow I made this one this morning. It has one large chunk of amethyst & the rest are upcycled beads. Its so bright & chunky!
(All the above are available in my shop, feltfuschia, see sidebar for my link)
Whilst I think of it, for those of you that live in the UK, get down to Borders... the kids section has all sorts of crafting goodies! Mainly kits for kids but it is so much cheaper than specialist shops & ive found a few gems in there.
Right i'm off to play with my new yarn...


Anonymous said...

Charis - urgent need of help. Got my bracelet caught last night and it has turned into a disaster.
Can you help me?

Charis Sharpe said...

Can she fix it? Yes she can!