Friday, 5 December 2008

Crimsom Berry

So this little creation is Crimsom Berry which I made yesterday whilst you were all looking at pictures of cupcakes!
I made a piece a while back with handcut felt circles & I saved all the offcuts.. & thats what I made this with! I've threaded them on to copper wire alongside hematite beads, snowflake obsidian chips & seed beads & placed a handfelted scarlet red berryish shape in the centre.
I wore this to work yday & got a lot of positive feedback soI'm going to make some more in different colours.
Its beautiful & bright outside today so i'm going to crack on with some work before it starts to get dull & I have to head off to the Day Job. Have a good day!


Alexandra said...

Hi, i love the colours...its gorgeous. Hope you are having a great weekend! xx

Poppy said...

What a lovely necklace! the colours are beautiful, and it looks so unusual.
I can see why people admired it. xxx