Monday, 1 December 2008

Needle Felting: Conquered! (Almost)

Ta Da!!!!!
First pic: A mixture of needle felting & 'lets see what happens if i put this in the washing machine' & these pieces are the result. Not quite to the professional level i've been buying, but it was my first go!
Second pic: A perfect Ball. Perfect! The only one. But I was so excited!!!!!
I may have a go at turning some of the nubbles into brooches as i've had the pins for ages. I found the needle felting quite therapeutic (apart from repeatedly stabbing my fingers with the needle, aaarrrggghhh!!!) & its quite good to do whilst simultaneously watching TV.
Am going to try wet felting next in attempt to make another perfect ball as the washing machine trick does not a perfect ball guarantee!


Unknown said...

You go, girl! I need something to keep my hands occupied while I watch, too..I'm just not brave enough to attempt this!

Alexandra said...

Love your needle felting! Hope you have a great week!

Charis Sharpe said...

Thank you Alex & Amy... Now I have plasters on my fingers for protection.. quite effective!!!!