Saturday, 13 December 2008


Above is my latest creation, Spring Leaf Brooch, available at I have a thing for brooches at the moment so the minute i get my mitts on some more brooch backs there will be more-a-coming!
I am incredibly tired & have a banging headache, so I'm off to bed, I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! x


Michala Gyetvai (Kayla coo) said...

Hi Charissma,
Lovely name and thanks for your lovely comment on my blog.
You have some lovely ideas for your textile jewellery.x

Alexandra said...

Love the brooch! Hope you are feeling better x

Poppy said...

I love the colours in the brooch!

Charis Sharpe said...

Thank you guys... am feeling much better now... thank you for the lovely comments on my jewellery x